I’m not you
(P.Ståhlgren, J.Håkansson, T.Magnusson)

I'm scared of you my faith
Do I have to be like you?
I hate what I see of you in me

They wonder are you ever coming home again
Sorry to say I wonder too

It's so cold here now
A winter that you left behind
Does a father not need a child?

Are you waiting for your marks to come?
Waiting for your own homerun?
I don't want to be anything like you
Are you scared of what you left behind?
Maybe I could be someone,
I don't want to be anything like you

I guess this life will never let me know how it could have been
We’ve lost too many years

All roads lead out
I feel them all over the world
Screaming to be heard

Are you waiting for your marks to come?
Waiting for your own homerun?
I don't want to be anything like you
Are you scared of what you left behind?
Maybe I could be someone,
I don't want to be anything like you

Doesn’t a child need a father just like a mother?
I feel you changing whatever I’m thinking
All of the reasons, all of the seasons
You are a dreamer just like me

Just like me, like me my faith
Just like me, like me oh no
I’m not like you, like you my faith
I’m not like you, like you oh no
I’m not you

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